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Website Design

We develop websites that work – websites that work hard for our small business clients, but even more importantly, we design websites to work for our clients’ customers.

To us a hard-working website is search engine friendly, standards compliant, fast loading, and cross-browser compatible with graceful degradation. On top of all that function we add well-organized site content framed in modern yet practical graphic design.

While there are cases for any kind of design the majority of our clients benefit most from clearly organized, clean looking sites that appeal to a wide variety of people and get noticed by search engines. To this end, we’ve solidified our web development strategies into a top ten list of the principles we value and our clients benefit from most.

Our Top 10 Web Development Principles for 2010

  1. Design Search Engine friendly websites
  2. Serve each website’s majority audience first
  3. Build fast-loading websites (the faster the better)
  4. Develop superior web content – suitable for both human eyes and search engines
  5. Build obvious navigation in design and structure
  6. Incorporate rich media (like animations, music or video) only where appropriate
  7. Make buying easy – a single click from any point in the site is ideal
  8. Ensure cross-browser compliance
  9. Design each website to showcase it’s unique content
  10. Use high-quality images

On top of our commitment to these web development principles we follow a simple 5 phase website development process, which we’ve designed to maintain client contact while streamlining the project timeline.

Our Website Development Process

1. Consult 2. Design 3. Build 4. Test 5. Deliver
Complimentary Initial Consultation Develop Concept Develop Prototype Insert Content Go live
Deliver Concept Deliver Prototype Links Submit site to Search Engines
Confer with Client Confer with Client Confer with Client
Revise or Next Step Revise or Next Step Revise or Next Step

Click to read more about our website design and delivery process.

Helpful Advice for Your New Website Design or Website Redesign

Whether you choose our Vancouver Web Design Company to design your new website or another company we want you to have an effective web solution, a website that suits your needs and helps you achieve your business goals.

It’s very sad but many of our clients have the same story, they come to us frustrated with a previous designer or designers who over promised and under delivered. They bring us often very attractive but partially completed, poorly conceived or executed website projects, from which we salvage as much as we can to make the most of the money they’ve already spent but it’s often necessary to start from scratch.

So, before you move ahead with your web design project, consider for yourself the purpose of your new site, your websites’ audience, the content to be included, the style in which it should be presented, and then the budget for your project.

We’ve put together some forms to help you figure out just what you want and need from your new website, please feel free to use them in your website planning process.


We’re happy to answer any questions you may have, our vancouver webdesign company is open weekdays from 10am-6pm.  Contact us online, give us a call at 604.415.0494 or email we’ll be happy to help.

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