I set out this morning to connect the blog portion of our WordPress website to both our Facebook Page and our Twitter account – all by myself, which is well outside my comfort zone since I handle the design/marketing/web content/operations parts of Interface Media.
My previous post Connect Your Website & Social Media, was the big test and I’m happy to report it worked perfectly: I logged in to WordPress, wrote the post, published to our website and one short hour later the post appeared on both our Facebook Page and our Twitter Page. (the 1 hr delay has to do with set-up and happens in minutes afterward)
So how did I make it happen? I signed-up for TwitterFeed, which I chose specifically because it allowed me to connect a Facebook Page for a business, not just my personal Facebook Profile like the dozens of previous applications I researched, and a Twitter account.
Here’s the step-by-step How-To:
- Find the url for your blog feed (if you’re on WordPress it’s going to be ‘http://www.yourdomain.com/feed’. Ours for example is: http://www.interfacemedia.ca/feed)
- Sign-in to your Twitter account
- Sign-in to your Facebook account
- Go to TwitterFeed.com and click ‘register now’ to sign-up for an account
- Enter your email address and make up a password then click ‘create account’
- Set-up your Feed:
- Give it a name, something you’ll recognize easily perhaps ‘YourDomain Blog Feed’
- Enter the url of your blog feed – the address you found in step 1
- Click ‘test RSS feed’ and you’ll see a green check mark beside ‘Feed parsed OK’, and if not check the help page
- Click ‘Continue to Step 2’ at the bottom of the page
- Connect to your Social Networking Accounts:
- Click Twitter and then on the big blue ‘authenticate twitter’ button
- It will forward to Twitter and ask you to ‘Allow’ or ‘Deny’ access to your Twitter account – click ‘Allow’
- When you are returned to TwitterFeed click ‘Create Feed’
- You’ll see a drop-down box below a message like this: “You are currently logged into your “Jenn Faccin” Facebook account. If you’d like to connect to another Facebook account, please Logout first. Facebook Pages Choose a Facebook Page (you must be the page administrator) to publish your feed to it’s wall, or leave blank to publish to your Facebook account wall.”
- In the drop-down box choose the facebook page you want to connect to – I chose Interface Media Group
- Click ‘Create Feed’
- Click Facebook and then on the blue ‘connect with facebook’ button
- (It will pop up a window asking for permission to publish – click ‘Allow Publishing’ and you’ll be returned to TwitterFeed)
- Click ‘All Done!’ and you’ll see a Congratulations message that shows the details of the feed you’ve just set-up.
- Click ‘Go To Dashboard’ where you can monitor & manage your feed.
- The Dashboard shows 3 important things:
- Where your feed is publishing to (in our case Facebook & Twitter)
- A list of posts that have been published
- How many clicks each post has received on each platform
Congratulations! You too are now a technological wizard and have connected your WordPress blog to your Facebook Page and Twitter account. Happy Blogging!
P.S. If this is all too much for you just give us a call or contact us and we’ll set it up for you 604.415.0494.